Wednesday, September 1, 2010

More leather work from Spacey!

Here is the seat i am doing for "the Indian Giver" bike. This bike is virtually a ground up custom/chopper that was built by my partner Chopper Steve, his son Andrew, and me Spacey...
When getting a bike together, i like to ride it without final painting (in the raw) until i get the bugs worked out, then make revisions and ride it a little morer til i am sure the bike is dialed in...THEN painting time...For now, i use spray paint to keep it from rusting...
right now, i am in the first revision.
the first seat i had was made by a local guy and looked like a crooked catchers mit. This new seat is handmade by me with some assitance from my helper, Chris TAT2.
Once again, i have used saddle leather for the tooling and some old leather i have saved from my old pal Allen Sumrall who had passed away, to finish it off. It was great to have it on my seat and on my personal bike because Allen was a biker and a grand tattoo collector! He helped me cut my teeth as a up and coming artist and i was in the process of covering him from head to toe.
The seat is double stitched by hand and the seat pan was also made by me.
i hope you enjoy the pictures and your feedback is greatly enjoyed.
If you want me to make you a seat... then call me @ 601.462.4199 or email me @ ...thanks spACEy

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kill The World seat is done!

well here is the kill the world seat that i finished....i did it in three and on of course...

but neverthe less waS fuN and pretty easy for me!...i am now bout to do a new seat for a club rider and will post up the results! for aNy info or comments then know whaT TO Do!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kill The World!



riding has always been my way of getting my mind straight.
when i was a kid it was bmx....when i became a was a motorcycle...
forgetting the world was the object
of my desire... going places i haven't been or
familiar areas i could really carve up and get
down on...
the attitude of "forget the world"
became "F*ct the world" then "What the f*ct" became "Kill the world!"

what does that mean? we all know FTW...WTF...FTF... But what about KTW!
it could be considered a violent phrase or a protective one if you like!
to me it is a protective one! stop the world frum getting you! "nip them in the bud"...
go ahead and say " don't tread on me!"
this seat project is the first one i have made...i still have to make a metal seat pan and
stitch it all together...
the leather tooling gig is all my buddy CHoPPer sTeve's fault...he dumped out a huge
bag of leather tools and a leather hide and told me to do something with it! he always
has a way of getting me to do something new and challenging...he is also kinda scary too
so that is a little extra motivation! haha! well here is what the seat looks like so far...

i will post up sum more when i get the raw materials and we can see how this train wreck comes together!


the indiangiver may finally get back on the road soon as my replacement transmission arrived

yesterday! so whatch out asphalt, because i am coming back to beat you down louder than ever!

Monday, July 26, 2010

well day two is here and i decided to break the ice with some tattoo work!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

welcome to the new home of spacey tattoo!

i have started this blog to keep my clients more informed on the many artistic services i offer!
i am a professional tattoo artist since 1993 .
i work quickly and efficiently. i am a tattoo master and use top of the line equipment as well as make and repair my own machines. i have two studios in meridian Mississippi, spacey tattoo and TNT tattoo art gallery. you can reach me directly at 601.462.4199.
i do metal engraving on motorcycle parts and on guns. i also do leather tooling and repair...
i have a great family and love what i do...
i hope that you enjoy the photos on this blog and maybe you will call me to do sum work for you! i have clients that are all around the world and have worked on thousands of people. i was formally trained for seven years under world famous Jacci Gresham of AArt Accent Tattoo in the french quarter New Orleans la...i have been a writer for a major state motorcycle publication for a year.
i work tues thru saturdays 11 a.m to 7 p.m. but can make special appointments get up with me and see what i can do for you!....spACEy